2.68 2.36 1916 2.60 2.41 1917 2.43 2.39 1918 2.90 2.85 1919 2.94 2.82 1920 2.70 2.73 1921 2.68 2.58 1922 2.98 2.89 1923 2.85 2.78 1924 StrainB Strain13 Date on litter size in guinea pigs in 9 successive years. Box 10.3 Sokal and Rohlf Biostatistics 1987 Box 13.9 Sokal and Rohlf Biometry 1981 Box 13.11 Sokal and Rohlf Biometry 1995 Box 13.12 Sokal and Rohlf Biometry 2012 Data from Sewall Wright, at Harvard University. Guinea pigs were not well fed while rationing was in effect in the US during World War I, 1914-1918 (pers.comm. R.R. Sokal, graduate student with S. Wright) MTB> read 'gpig.dat' into c1 c2 c3; SUBC> nobs = 9. MTB> name c1 'strain b' c2 'strain 13' c3 'year'